The story so far...
Al Bateen Scientific School is one of two schools operated by the Family Development Foundation (FDF) - the other is Ministry of Education curriculum Al Dhabiania School. The Family Development Foundation was established in 2006 by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al-Nahyan in his capacity as the ruler of Abu Dhabi. FDF is chaired by Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak.
The FDF aims to foster and develop the family in general, and women, and children in particular, to establish a society that is able to compete with learning and knowledge.
Initially set up as a preschool (nursery) in 1985 to support the children of the women who enrolled in the organization's adult education programs, Al Bateen Scientific School was initially established as a KG school in 1988, the school initially developed to include both an Arabic and the American Section until 2012, when it was decided that the school would offer solely the US curriculum. The FDF specifically wish to "stick to the customs and traditions of the UAE society and instilling Islamic values ethics in the hearts of the students from the early stage s."
The school's Vision is "Joyful learning… world class quality …distinctive ethics." Its Mission is "Preparing a generation of pioneers who are academically, Sustainable development [sic] of its society able to skillfully practice critical thinking and independent life-long learning and participate in the sustainable development of their societies via a pedagogies system competent to face the international challenges ."
The schools Values are "authenticity, allegiance. Responsibility, quality, team work, credibility and transparency, respect."